Wednesday 8 June 2011

Nope, not a golfer: Juneathon Day 7

Following the silent guide of my satnav down narrowing lanes and around frequent bends I realised the golf hotel that was to be my cheap refuge for one night only was anything but accessible. I already knew food might be a challenged but it appeared they would offer something basic as long as I wasn't late, so I adjourned almost immediately to the restaurant for vege lasagne then slowly made my way back to my room. I needed to run but also knew doing so after food was less than ideal. So I took my time, made and a slow change of clothes, and a few pages of my trashy novel later started walking. The staff cheerfully claimed there were no maps of the site, but invited me to run on the golf course itself.

So I did - and very strange it was too.

Let me advise that familiarising yourself with your first ever golf course when you are a bit full from your last repast, it is a rapidly darkening twilight, and the rain is being hazy, is probably not ideal! But despite being desperate to stop after only 2 minutes I actually managed about 20, so that was progress. I'm sure embarrassing redfaced heavy breathing while dripping sweat is a a successful way to leave an impression on your fellow guests too; let's just not delve too deeply into what kind of impression I will have left, if that's ok with you all?

I will get out and run, after i've just ...: Juneathon Day 6

Sadly this blog is delayed by the joys of tech distress - staying away for work at a cheap hotel on Dartmoor is fine - but with neither WiFi except in the hotel reception (and even that switched off at 10.30) nor any mobile reception at all ... blogging is not easy!

Juneathon day 6 had always been a challenge to fit in any way, with a day at work and an evening at a governors' meeting, with a quick dash into the supermarket thrown in.

By the time I got home I was tired and it was late. But I gritted my teeth, changed my shoes, and out I went. Walking the ups and running the downs, for just over a mile, is never going to make me truly fit or turn me into a skinny-malinkey (although if you know me you'll know that'll never happen anyway!). Nonetheless I comfort myself anything is still better than nowt!

Sunday 5 June 2011

Avoiding the rain: Juneathon Day 5

Today was a day when I waited. As the rain came down I did a bit of washing up. And went shopping. And had a couple of people over for not a bbq (as it was raining) but a bit of tennis on the tv and some coffee and fruit. We managed a walk, without getting wet amazingly, and then before our guests left it started to rain again.

So then the waiting began again. More tennis on the tv. A bit of internet surfing. Dinner. Post-dinner digestion period. Writing up my blog from yesterday. Until eventually, with a deep sigh, getting changed, procrastinating just a few minutes more, and finally heading out.

But really I most own up, I have today been lucky. Yes it was damp but all my waiting had paid off, and my 1.8 miles (yes, I am finding this Juneathon hard work due to my evidently impressive levels of unfitness!) were not so very soaked after all. Hooray! And at least the air was clearer and my usual red face and sweat-soaked jogging aftermath were not exacerbated by heat as well!

It's all a game of cat and mouse sometimes, but today I think I did ok. Yes, I was not keen, but I did avoid the worst of the rain, and the call of duty did its thing so I went despite my sighs. And so am I able to say with triumph, Day 5 is jogged, and logged, and now finally blogged as well. Phew, dear bed, here I come!

Saturday 4 June 2011

Yes, one of those days when it's a love/hate thing: Juneathon Day 4

Today was one of those days I'm afraid. Maybe it was a reaction to the overenthusiasm displayed yesterday but today I did not want to Juneathon. In fact, to be honest, I didn't want to do anything! After an afternoon spent with a friend and her smallfry, where the most exercise I did was pushing a small girl on a swing after walking to the park at toddler-pace, I arrived home glumly aware that that my day was as yet not complete.

However, after only a few minutes of dalliance I changed and was out. Hmmm. 2 minutes of walking to "warm up" and then 1.3 miles of wanting to stop. Not the greatest enjoyable experience I've ever had it has to be said. But I did it and I made it home again, and I've logged it and now I'm almost there with the blogged as well.

Sometimes, this Juneathon really proves its worth I suppose. there's no way I'd have inveigled myself off the sofa and out jogging without that sense of doom hanging over my head. But with no good excuse other than laziness and general lack of drive, despite it all, I went. And I pushed my legs to keep moving, one (slow) step after another. And thus I made it and home again.

Hooray for Juneathon, and the love/hate thing of being forced out there!

Can I accrue days in lieu?: Juneathon Day 3

Day 3 left me tired and slightly dazed ... but also managed to include 5 miles of cycling, 1 1/2 miles jogging, and more than 20000 steps (however slowly they were accumulated!).

I am still, nearly at my 24 hour deadline later wondering quite how I managed this. But it seems I did. The cycle was supposed to replace the jogging, but as that was very slow and ponderous (much like the wandering round and round town earlier in the day) I felt a bit guilty and went jogging as well. My sister did roll her eyes to the skies when I went jogging as well, and she had a good point ... but I am hoping that at least I know have if necessary an activity in hand in case I am particularly hard-pressed for time, wakefulness or just plain enthusiasm on another occasion!

Anyway, apart from some stiffness this morning I seem to have survived. So roll on the joys of trying to convince my body that exercise is at least not the most evil concept ever!

Thursday 2 June 2011

Uh-oh ... only two days in: Juneathon Day 2

Yep, as I suspected. Sigh. Already getting this blog written is seeming to be the most challenging element of this whole Juneathon malarkey.

Not, I'll be honest, that getting up at just after 6 this morning was all that appealing either. And after a somewhat unpleasant attack of cramp in my foot (yes, foot!) last night, the half-asleep creeping around the house at what felt like dawn (but wasnt) became even more cautious than usual.

But I upper out of bed, dressed, and let myself out. And the cramp stayed away (anyone know any charms one can hang over the door to keep the cramp away long-term? Please share all recipes!). And I didn't die through other means either.

But finding the space and creativity to write about it. Now you're really talking challenge! But finally .. that too is done, and so am I jogged, logged and blogged, with Day 2 properly signed off!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

The madness starts again - it's Juneathon Day 1

So here we go again. For some reason that escapes me I have again signed up for a month of pain, distress, bewilderment and - if I'm very lucky - maybe even occasional flushes of success!

Yep, I've started Juneathon - Janathon's older sibling. Having done the joys of daily exercise through the cold and dark delights of January surely surely I can manage similar endeavours in the (at least theoretical) sunnier brighter glories of June?

The aim this time (led astray by Lisa Y) is to run, cycle or swim every day. I guess this should be easier than aiming to run every day - though it seems even more scary just at this point! Humph. Oh well ... here we go. Wish me luck!

Starting as I really really do mean to go on anyway (!): Day 1 is down with an early up and out walk-jog before my trip to London for the day. Of course I'm now suffering both you-did-WHAT-to-yourself shock and languid lying-on-the-sofa-is-rather-an-effort tiredness as a consequence but hey - day 1 is down ... so that's only 29 days to go!