Thursday, 27 January 2011

So it's the Big Smoke?

I am sure that if I still have any readers who haven't given up entirely on me, it is only through some amazing (if even less comprehensible) commitment and stubbornness of your own that exceeds even my Janathon madness. I long ago gave up on any doomed attempt to keep this interesting!

However Day 26 is brought to you courtesy of the wonders of the Big Smoke which at least makes a change! Sadly I failed to take full advantage though. Behind Euston station may not jump out at you as the most thrilling area of London town, and indeed my enthusiasm, time and the weather conspired to make my run somewhat less than enthralling (down the road from my hotel, along past a few shops, back along a parallel road, round a petrol station, then another even less exciting loop). Clearly either tiredness or Big Smoke awe came into play as for the first time I also fell, luckily with the only injury being that inflicted on my dignity... a concept already somewhat lost in the reality of my existence anyway!

So I'm sorry folks ... Briefly yesterday had the potential for anecdote and interest but no joy! Still ... Day 26 done!


  1. If you're stuck there for a bit, try Regents Park - that's not too far from you is it?

  2. Good plan - sadly I was only there for the one drizzly evening ... but next time, even with no Janathon to force me out maybe? :-)
