Saturday, 1 January 2011

So at least it's a start, drizzle and all

So I'm mooching around on Facebook. And I see that @sareid has commented about a "gentle little 5 miles" with an additional comment.

So I click on the link to the Janathon website. What did I do in 2010 that I am imposing this punishment on myself in 2011?

Humph. Oh well. I suppose I'm doing this because ... well I am. We'll see.

Anyway, having spotted the Janathon thing early lunchtime, I've now had lunch and mooched away the evening til it got dark and now - I've been for a run! Hooray!

Just over two miles (nothing gentle about it, that's a long way for me - @sareid and I are in different leagues on this one) but I've done it, and now I've set up this blog too. It drizzled gently all the way, it was dark, and I really need to sort out a better way to carry my phone-come-workout-companion. But still, I found my trainers, I didn't die horribly, I stuck to streetlights so can also claim the being sensible badge, and now I'm back. Hooray!

Only 30 more days in January to go (they did say a run around the garden counted didn't they - shame they don't know the size of my garden but I reckon that definitely counts as privileged information...)

Back tomorrow then I suppose!


  1. A run around your garden will not count Helen!!
    Only just seen your blog - you are now on my blog feeder so keep running and blogging!! x

  2. Don't tell anyone about my garden, Rachel, I might need a fallback sometime before this whole Janathon craziness is done!
