Tuesday 31 January 2012

J-Day: Day 31

Yes! Day 31 Welcome!

My bed was warm and cosy and I knew the air around was chilly. But up I got (eventually!), layered on the gear, and out I went. A short walk, a couple of dogs avoided, and I was off. It was chilly but I practised my controlled breathing through my scarf and concentrated on keeping going. At half a mile I allowed myself to think I'd do this. Then at one mile a huge smile broke all across my face. I had done it! I had Janathoned! I pushed back my hood and took my gloves off; the renewed burst of chill kept me going just a little bit longer to get to around my mile-and-a-half average, and as I walked my last few yards home my smile broadened.

I have run every day for 31 days without fail. I have run in sun, wind and sleet; in darkness, daylight, twilight and darkness again. I have got up early and have run late at night after wine and dinner at the pub. I have stepped in puddles and grimaced and my feet have tensed and frowned as they became cold and wet, and I slipped and slid in the mud but - somehow - not actually fallen. I have called on inner reserves to keep myself moving, and - more rarely, but more pleasingly - I have even relaxed on occasion as I found a brief moment of rhythmn.

Above all though I have kept at it. Every day I have run, and every 24 hours I have logged and I have blogged. We all need to set our own targets. For many the Janathon is an opportunity to get race-fit, preparing for an Iron Man, triathlon or their first half-marathon. For me it has been simply about getting back into doing regular exercise of some kind, and getting myself out there. I am sure February will not see me running every day, and I shall definitely diversify with more cycling and walking, and maybe a few more zumba classes. Finding myself a yoga class somewhere between work and home is my next target. But I shall continue to force myself out if I possibly can (though maybe not after skittles nights or full of pizza!).

And that is my Janathon done. Well done to all who have been daily jogging, logging, and blogging with me - and a huge respect to all. Regardless of what else is happening in your life it is a huge commitment and deserves respect. Finally, though, a huge Thank You to all my friends, colleagues and family who - underneath the despairing shakes of the head and gentle teasing - have I know been willing me on throughout. You are all fabulous and here's to you all.

Janathon 2012, I have you vanquished!

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